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Version: 2.3

5.2 Workers

Workers are isolated applications that can be used by the Data Context Hub. They are meant to be deployed and run separately from the stack with as much as possible independence. They are loosely integrated with GBS and EBS.


It is highly recommended that workers are automatically scaled (e.g. by using horizontal pod autoscaling in Kubernetes) since the load can be quite high.

Custom implementations for following worker types are currently supported:

  • ExternalGraphSecurity

General Information

Workers should be isolated applications which allows to have them developed with any language and framework. GBS currently assumes that workers that are added to workers list must provide some basic REST functionality.

Information Endpoint: GET /

This request has to return basic information about a worker:

  • class is used to distinguish different classes of workers meant to perform different type of operations. Supported classes: result
  • type is the type of worker
  • uuid is used together with URL to validate if a worker is the expected worker when adding to GBS
  • version is used to display the current version of a worker

This request is important as it is also used as a validation when adding a worker to GBS. The following steps are used for validation:

  • GBS performs a GET request to the root of the provided worker URL (i.e. if the provided URL is http://localhost:90/api/filter, http://localhost:90/ is used). If either an error or nothing is returned it is assumed that a worker is not available.
  • When GET is successful it checks the response:
    • class, type and version are available in the response
    • User provided UUID must match to the uuid value in the response

Execution Endpoints

These worker specific endpoints are used to trigger a worker's logic and each defines its own input and output schema. Independent of which request and response is required by a specific worker type, calls to such endpoints will always include a Keycloak Bearer token that can be validated by the worker.

ExternalGraphSecurity Worker

This type of worker is called if any nodes or relationships remain after applying Graph Access Rules to graph related EBS requests. All remaining objects are sent to all ExternalGraphSecurity workers registered in the system. This allows filtering based on different external systems.

A worker of this type has to provide one POST endpoint that can handle the following requests. Note that the parameters.type field is used to distinguish between nodes and relationships.

"parameters": {
"type": "nodes"
"data": [{
"elementId": "4:1d78d5ba-072c-4cfa-96c7-dda7da1c5620:1834844",
"labels": ["label"],
"properties": {
"key1": "value1",
"key2": "value2"
}, {
"elementId": "4:1d78d5ba-072c-4cfa-96c7-dda7da1c5620:1834877",
"labels": ["label"],
"properties": {
"key": "value"

The expected responses can be found below. A worker does not have to distinguish if a response contains nodes or relationships since EBS (the calling system) keeps track of that. The error response is only expected when the returned status code is not in the range 200-299.

"result": {
"nodes": [{
"elementId": "4:1d78d5ba-072c-4cfa-96c7-dda7da1c5620:1834844",
"labels": ["label"],
"properties": {
"key1": "value1",
"key2": "value2"
}, {
"elementId": "4:1d78d5ba-072c-4cfa-96c7-dda7da1c5620:1834877",
"labels": ["label"],
"properties": {
"key": "value"

RuleTransformation Worker

This worker type will be used to extract data from external systems and transform them into Graph Access Rules. RuleTransformation workers have to be registered with GBS to know which workers are available in Load Plans.

A worker of this type has to provide a POST endpoint that can handle the following request. Note that the data sent to a worker depends on the configuration of the corresponding rule transformation step in a Load Plan.

Request sent to worker
"users": [
"clients": [
"groups": [
"Test Group"
"entities": [
"id": 414,
"title": "Benchmark",
"properties": [
"id": 5303,
"title": "Benchmark_ID"
"id": 5296,
"title": "BK_IDdd"
"id": 5301,
"title": "Description"
"id": 5299,
"title": "Parents123"
"id": 5300,
"title": "Reference_Date"
"id": 5302,
"title": "Title"
"relationships": [
"id": 415,
"entityNameFrom": "Benchmark",
"entityNameTo": "Benchmark",
"name": "PARENTS",
"alias": "PARENTS"
"id": 1443,
"entityNameFrom": "Benchmark",
"entityNameTo": "A_Benchmark",
"name": "testab",
"alias": "TESTAB"

Workers are supposed to call the GBS endpoint POST /api/graph-access-rule/accessRules to add rules to the system. The minimum data required to store a rule is one of user, group or service account and one of entity or relationship.

There are different ruleCreationStrategy options available:

  • Ignore: if a rule with the same name already exists, it will be ignored (default behavior)
  • DeleteOnConflict: if a rule with the same name already exists, it will first be deleted and recreated based on the request
  • DeleteAllForUser: all rules that were created by access token user will be deleted before processing the request
Request sent to GBS
"ruleCreationStrategy": "Ignore",
"rules": [
"accessLevel": "view",
"active": false,
"clients": [
"entities": [
"id": 414,
"properties": [
"groups": [
"Test Group"
"name": "rule-transform-mock-rule1",
"relationships": [
"propertyValueConditions": [
{ "PropertyId": 5303,"Value": "2500" },
{ "PropertyId": 5296,"Value": "Test" }
"functions": [
"users": [

If the worker does not encounter any errors, it should return status code 200. Otherwise, it should return an appropriate status code and error message which will be logged in Airflow.